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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  August 29, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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breaking news, there's a new track for hurricane dorian. why the entire state of florida should be on alert for a major hurricane. and another move to keep immigrants out. this time the white house is targeting the children of service members overseas. anger boiling over as the queen gets dragged into the b x brexit mess. what it manes for a no-deal brexit.
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all right, all right, all right. how you doing? >> and the actor is now the professor. matthew mcconaughey is going back to school and we'll tell you where. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "early start." i'm amara walker. >> good morning, i'm dave briggs. it's thursday, august 29th. 4:00 a.m. in new york and in south florida. we begin this morning with breaking news. hurricane dorian intensifying as it heads straight for florida. wind speeds doubling with the last 24 hours. dorian is now forecast to hit the u.s. mainland as a major category 3 hurricane on labor day. the storm's latest track shows it shifting slightly west. why does that matter? it's heading for the central part of florida, not just sideswipe i sideswiping the coast with no major land in its path, it's expected to continue
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strengthening. the governor declaring a state of emergency. >> overnight dorian pounded the u.s. virgin islands with heavy rain. the first images from st. thomas show a good deal of debris, downed trees and roofs with winds reaching 111 miles per hour. >> it was a lot stronger than anyone had anticipated for here. it was just intense. nobody really expected that and felt a little rattle d and fraz theed in dealing with my flooded apartment. >> at the height of the storm, about 25,000 power outages were repo reported in st. krois. all of those customers have now been restored. puerto rico, a much needed near miss. fema was prepared, but 3,000
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people in the territories still recovering from hurricanes maria and irma. >> right now in florida, they are bracing for a direct hit. residents stocking up on water and other emergency supplies. long lines are forming at gas stations ahead of the storm. let's get right to our meteorologist live for us in the cnn weather center. >> good morning, this storm system has really defied all odds. it's rapidly intensified category one storm. it's kind of taken a path of least resistance avoiding a lot of the islands with large mountains. and with that being the case, maintained the intensity. unfortunately, it's going to move into favorable environments and the open sea where we have potential for significant growth over the next couple days. so give it the next 24 to 36
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hours with we're talking about a category 2 hurricane at this point sitting north of the islands. then once we approach friday and saturday, the storm has the potential to strengthen even more up to category 3 system as it approaches somewhere toward the southern corner of the united states. the reason i want to emphasize that is people see this and kind of put their target across central florida. models suggested anything as far north as southern georgia and skirting the florida keys and entering the gulf of mexico. so really important to note the margin of error with this storm system has been significant in recent days and shifted 200 miles in the last two days alone and the margin of error five days out is exactly that. this could really end up in any location from the coast of the carolinas even to southern areas of florida. notice the american model brings it somewhere around the evening hours overnight potentially,
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even monday into northern florida or southern georgia towards jacksonville. while the european model bring it is in overnight and southern florida. so a significant spread of 500 miles between the storms and the models right now. so really important to note to not just target central florida as an area of landfall. you look at a couple storms that originated from the same spot from a couple years ago, talking about maria and irma, all of them starting where dorian is at this hour. notice the variability one going to the west and south and another skirting to the north. so this will meander here in the next couple days. >> we don't know where exactly it's going to make landfall. a big margin of error, thank you. as dorian barrels toward puerto rico, president trump displayed a stunning lack of empathy. puerto rico is one of the the most corrupt places on earth.
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their mipolitical system is bron and their politicians are incompetent or interrucorrupt. and by the way, i'm the best thing that's ever happened to puerto rico. >> president trump continuing the tweet storm while vowing fema and others are ready and willing to do a great job. when they do, give them a big thank you. not like last time. that includes the incompetent mayor of san juan. the mayor firing back at the president demanding he be quiet and get out of the way. >> my hope is that the president really keeps his mouth shut and let's the people doing the work do the work that needs to be done to save lives. >> the mayor went object to tell cnn she's not going to concern herself with the president with his lack of understanding.
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children of some u.s. service members living abroad will no longer automatically become american citizens. a new trump administration policy appears to affect children of naturalized u.s. citizens serving in the armed forces, but have not lived in the u.s. for a required period of time. about 100 children a year will be affected. many u.s. fwoft employees and service members are temporarily assigned to posts overseas for extendsed periods and their children were previously considered to be living in and outside of the u.s. for the for the purpose of fwaning citizen isship. >> according to source, the president and his the president and his spilling into the 2020 election. a new poll yesterday shows for the first time more voters under president trump say the national
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economy is getting worse than getting better and that could explain why the president is pushing hard tore get a border wall built, tweeting, the wall is going up fast despite destruction. > >> that claim is is false. there has not been a single new mile of wall built since the president took office. customs and border protection has replaced existing barriers that were deteriorating. president trump is now holding regular meetings with aids demanding to know why more wall has not been built and cnn has confirmed a "washington post" report that trump recent ily told subordinates he would pardon them if they built the wag by 2020. >> poor showing in the polls leading kirsten gillibrand to drop out of the presidential race. she ran as a champion for women, but her message fiailed to catc
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on. she's proud of her team and what they accomplished adding let's go beat donald trump and take back the senate. the decision coming after she failed to qualify for the third primary debate. she had spent millions on advertising to find a way in. 20 democrats are still, though, in the race. how would you feel if this were comie ining at you? >> not good. >> you think? >> a volcanic eruption in italy sends people running and boating in this case for their lives. [♪]
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check your free credit scores at creditkarma. here's to progress. chants of stop the coup after boris johnson asked the queen to suspend parliament. many feel it's an attempt to silence critics in the no-deal breakup with the european union. the queen agreed to the request which puts her in the unusual request of being in the middle of the political fray. what's the reaction to the move by boris johnson. >> we're learning more today about the process of events yesterday. this was all very much under wraps until the prime minister announced it. it turns out he sent up some pretty counsellors to the
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queen's home in scotland, where they got approval from her for the suspension. we then had opposition leaders appealing to her saying don't prove this. it's all been tone already. this is very much boris johnson and his team keeping the opposition on the back foot. so effectively, we have a situation where parliament will be suspended next month. they would have less time to come up with a olympian to oppose a new deal brexit. they are furious about that, so today is really about the response. we have campaigners saying they are taking the government to court to try to get an injunction against this move. we have also got parliamentarians trying to block a no-deal brexit. so it's become very tense. the scene there is incaps late the feeling of people who want britain to remain in the
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european union. i have spoken to people on all sides. even boris johnson's father yesterday was explaining to me we have had three and a half years of talk about brexit. we're not getting anywhere. parliament keeps blocking it. so he can now go to europe and say, actually, i'm in control of the process. i'm going to leave the european union unless you give me a deal. so wait to see how it really plays out. >> the scramble will be on next week. max foster, thank you. look at that. a volcanic eruption on an island off the coast of sicily sending locals and tourists fleeing by land and sea. the volcano covering the island with rock and ash and sending that plume of smoke over a mile
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into the sky. firefighters report widespread vegetation fires on the island. this is the second time it has erupted in less than two months. there's no immediate word of injuries or major damage. 4:17. a check on cnn business r. markets suffering as trade worries persist. asian markets all declined. european markets have opened lower. the bad mood spilling over to the u.s. futures. stocks finished us higher wednesday as the energy sector got a boost from higher oil prices. crude oil rose more than 1%. the dow ended the day up 257 points. bond yields continue to slide. the inversion worsened again and the 30-year treasury slipped to a record low under 2% as global recession fears grow. the inverted yield curve has been a recession warning sign,
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but one trader told cnn business that investors should not overreact saying the yield curve does not become predictive unless it stay there is for long enough time. murder suspects on the loose, police are looking for a couple who overpowered security officers and then escaped. - in the last year, there were three victims of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more.
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and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit
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a college student arrested after guns were discover ed in his room. he's charged with threatening a school shooting. the 19-year-old freshman confessed to having a time line to kill people. the district attorney says he had been watching videos of mass shootings and chose college in north carolina because it would be easier to buy guns. prosecutors say his plot hinged on to whether or not he was accept accepted into a fraternity. 30 mass shootings have been disrupted since el paso and dayton. a manhunt is expanding for a couple who escaped custody by overpowering two security officers in utah.
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they are accused of killing a 72-year-old man in tucson, arizona, back in april. they were being extradited from new york to arizona when they escaped monday night. investigators say the couple may be traveling through arizona and they should be considered armed and dangerous. a lot of patience i and a little luck pays off for one man who won $60 million in the lottery after playing the same numbers for almost 20 years. he won the jackpot and waited ten months to claim his prize. he felt overwhelmed by the win and wanted to make sure his family was ready for the changes it would bring. he says he first plans on buying husband family a new home and putting away money to save for their future. a heartwarming gesture from a football team whose coach is battling cancer. >> it's all for you.
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>> y'all better slow down. i got to breathe. >> during a team meeting, the college football players learned their offensive coordinator had been diagnosed with lymphoma. he began getting chemo this month and started losing his hair. so monday the players showed up in the weight room and shaved their heads. >> i can't speak enough how special those kids are. how we see them every day, most of the people in town don't see they are good kids. >> they sure are. he doesn't like attention, but he called this the most touching and emotional moment that he's been there thus. university of texas at austin has a new professor. >> all right, all right, all right. how you doing?
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>> pretty good. >> matthew mcconaughey who graduated there from 1993 will be a professor of practice at the college of communication. he's been visiting professors. he's been co-teaching the script to screen film production class, but now his name stands alone on the syllabus. he has an academy award and more than 50 films under his belt. one would imagine a lot of kids try to sign up for matthew's class. >> i want to become a student again. we are tracking hurricane dorian. the path shifting west putting the entire state of florida on alert. a new update from the national hurricane center is just moments away.
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tallahasshere's a new track hurricane dorian. why the state of florida is on alert. another move to keep immigrants out. this time the white house is targeting kids of service members overseas. anger boiling over as the queen gets dragged into the brexit midwest. what it means with the clock ticking to a no-deal brexit. >> all right, all right, all right. how you doing? b. >> and the actor is now the professor. matthew mcconaughey going back to school. we'll tell you where. sign me up for that class. welcome back to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm amara walker. 31 minutes past the hour here in new york. we begin with breaking news. hurricane dorian intensifying rapidly as it heads straight for florida. wind speeds doubling over the last 24 hours.
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dorian is now forecast to hit the u.s. mainland as a major category 3 hurricane on labor day. the storm's latest track show dorian shifting west. why does that matter? it's heading for central florida. not just sideswipe iing the coa. with no major land in its path, dorian is expect ed to to continue strengthening. the governor now declaring a state of emergency. >> overnight dorian pounded the u.s. virgin islands with heavy rain. the first images from st. thomas show debris and damaged roofs with wibds reaching 111 miles per hour. >> nobody expected it and so
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rattle rattled and fraz theed in dealing with my flooded apartment. >> for puerto rico a much-needed near miss sight of relief. fema was prepared. territories still recovering from hurricanes maria and irma. >> right now in florida, they are bracing for a direct hit. long lines are forming at gas stations ahead of the storm. let's get to the cnn weather center. still a big question mark as to where the storm is going to make landfall. >> and when as well. we have seen it slow down. initially it looked like a saturday landfall. then moved to sunday. now pushing late into monday. so really quite a bit of uncertainties in the long-term track of this storm system. what we know is strengthening is a certainty here over the next several days. and unfortunately, it's going to
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enter an area that's favoritable for rapid strengthening as we have seen potentially inside the next couple days as well. very organized system here in the past few hours. it securitied just to the east of puerto rico avoid iing the mountains. so you put that together, that's excellent news for puerto rico, but portions of the eastern united states that really doesn't bode well when it comes to the organization of the storm this early in the game. by the time we get to this evening and this afternoon, we're talking about a category in the works and water temperatures of the bahamas and north of it sit right around 85 degrees fahrenheit with the temperatures that are required d for a hurricane to form are around 82. so this thing is going to be fueling tremendous warmth as it approaches land. you look at the spread, stretching from 500 miles and really important to note this storm system is not just destined for portions of central
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florida. it certainly could be a carolina storm and georgia storm. some models take it to coastal georgia. if this pushes through portions of florida, it could easily clear back to the gulf of mexico and be a gulf coast state storm whether it be for louisiana or mississippi or even on to portions of the panhandle. so look at the spread between the models. brunging to the shore some time around the late overnight hours and evening hours. while the european model pushes towards florida. both come in as strong hurricane category 3 system. but again, the spread of where it makes landfall really make this is a dangerous storm for a lot of people that are really having to be on alert now as we approach a holiday weekend. >> thank you so much. we'll check back with you next hour. on the phone with us now is pete gomez, assistant fire chief and emergency manager for the city of miami. thank you for being with us so early. what are preparations at this point. still thursday, this thing not
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expected until monday. >> yeah, it's one of those difficult decisions, but we're taking it very seriously. we have all departments starting to get ready and start working on the plan. there's prewritten plans we have so that if this hurricane were to come this way, we feel pretty confident that we're going to experience some tropical storm winds any us way based on the projections of where the storm is going. and where we sit within the cone of uncertainty. so we're geting the message out to the department directors to start preparing for landfall to have some impact in the miami area. >> unfortunately, we know that florida is very experienced with these kinds of storms. it could be good and bad thing, especially with people getting complacent. tell us about the plans and the biggest concerns. you're having a meeting at 10:00 with city officials.
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what are the biggest concerns you'll be discussing. >> we definitely learned from irma. we have some concerns throughout the city. number one is obviously, life safe safety. our flooding issue and it's going to get exacerbated. we're concerned about the flooding that's taking place. we have generated power pumps throughout the city. it's always concerning. and obviously the wind is a concern. we have cranes a owl the city. so that's concern. so we have to have folks dpo out there and visit and make sure things are tied town and make sure the developers understand the hazards associated.
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and that people are taking care of their own neighborhoods. so we're going to be getting the message out. hopefully they are speaking to individuals and making sure that they are prepared personally. so if they call during this storm, everybody is going to have their own homes taken care of. >> this is no new drill for the people of florida. seven since 2004. does that make it more difficult to convince people of the seriousness of these storms? or more receptive to the
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message? >> it's a little bit of both. i feel good when i see the stories of the supermarkets and the home depots and all the activity taking place which tells me people are taking it seriously and getting out there. but i'm also a member of the search and rescue teams too. and katrina in louisiana and hurricane michael in the panhandle and one of the interesting stories i always tell is when we go to these deployments and see the devastation and we speak to the people that didn't evacuate, it's a similar story. i live d through hurricane such and such. and i sur surveillance videoed. it wasn't that big of deal. i thought this one wasn't going to be that bad. so that apathy, let's call it s pretty prevalent in different areas.
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with different people, i hope people catake into consideratio the power of the hurricanes. that's always a concern. that people don't take it serious. so people are in the evacuation zones are going to be prone to flooding. we want to make sure they understand they are going to have to make efforts to get out of town or get inland to a safer location because these hurricane, mother nature is relentless on us. we have seen that in the past. i hope that message is sent strong and clearly. >> i lived in miami for many years and remember talking to residents before a storm. it was always that saim mind set. i have been through so many big storms. i survived hurricane andrew. i should just hunker down here and i'll be fine. thank you. good luck to you all. children of some u.s. service members will no longer automatically become american citize citizens. a new policy appears to affect children of naturalized u.s. citizens serving in the armed
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forces but have not lived in the u.s. for a required period of time. 100 children a year will be affected. many u.s. government employees and service members are temporarily assigned to posts overseas for extended periods and their children were previously considered to be living in and outside of the u.s. eventually gaining citizen isship. james mattis taking a jab at president trump and his leadership. his successor had little to say. here's barbara starr at the pentagon. >> it was a dire warning from former defense secretary james mattis. he wrote in "the wall street journal" we are dividing into hostile tribes cheering against each other, fuelled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future. this came on the very same day that the current defense
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secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, another four star marine and friend of mattis, came out for a pentagon press conference for the first time in a year. both men said they wanted to have a good relationship with the media, so they were coming out to answer questions. but one of the things dunford did not want to talk about is what mattis had written. he was adamant that he would not talk about politics and not talk ever in uniform or retierped about president trump and how he performs as commander-in-chief. this is one of the big issues in the military right now. if there is so much political churn in the country, how is it affecting the troops. the big question is whether this era is is now fundamentally changing the character of the u.s. military and how it relates to u.s. society. dunford was adamant that in their view, there is no place
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for politics in the ranks. >> not a guy eager to speak out, but clearly concerned about the political environment. these are some serious words. the fact it was in "the wall street journal" means a lot. he wanted a specific portion of the country to read those words. >> coming up next, a teen who watched videos of mass shootings facing charges after guns were found in his dorm. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's,
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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. chants of stop the coup after the british prime minister boris johnson asked the queen to suspend parliament. many feel it is an attempt to silent brexit critics in the
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week leading up to a no-deal breakup. the queen agreed to the request that put hearse in an unusual position she typically stays above the political fray. max foster is live in london with more. the fact that the queen agreed to suspend parliament, that's what is usual, because if she said no, that would have been unusual. tell us about the move. it's quite bold to suspend parliament because he's trying to basically narrow the window so critics cannot avoid a no-deal brexit. >> fundamentally, undemocratic as critics are saying because he's not allowing parliament to have as much debate time as they would have had if he hadn't called for the suspension. he did it so quietly. he sent up counsellors to the queen's holiday home so she could approve the suspension of parliament, which reduces the amount of days that the parliament will be sitting next month ahead of the date of brexit, which is october 31st.
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and many fear that britain could be heading out of the european union without a deal. boris johnson fundamentally disputes that saying what he the wants to do is show he's in control of the process, so he could go to the european capitals and get a better deal on the terms of britain leading the european union. it's caused all this tension. it's put the queen in a difficult position because opposition party members are now saying that she needs to step in some way and may be dragged in if there's a vote of confidence now in boris johnson as leader of the uk. she might be asked to which she wouldn't want to do. she's built her reputation on staying out of politics. what we're looking for now is a response. there's one very prominent remain campaigner who is going to take the government to court. there's a court process going on. also next week really up against parliamentarians will be trying to find some parliamentary
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mechanism to try to block this very controversial move by the new british prime minister. >> quite a risky maneuver by boris johnson. let's see if it backfires. thank you. some cnn business. millennials may not be ready for an economic downturn. several factors are in play here. homeowner sh homeownership is 8% lower than previous generations at this age. student death is at $1.5 trillion and rising. just 37% of americans under 35 owned stocks last year v. 55% in 2001. part of the problem is millennials graduated college in a rough economy causing them to take lower paying jobs compared to previous generations. many find themselves stuck living in expensive cities where it's tough to get jobs that pay enough to tackle their loans. a vicious cycle making it difficult to save or invest. that's having a ripple effect as
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they put off buying homes, getting married and having kids. you're seeing a lot of these millennials in the economy balancing two or three jobs making it more difficult to put away money. a colorado couple had the encounter of a lifetime in their own home. we're going to show you next. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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- in the last year, of cybercrime every second. when a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. criminals can use ransomware, spyware, or malware to gain access to information like your name, your birthday, and even your social security number. - [announcer] that's why norton and lifelock are now part of one company, providing an all in one membership for your cyber safety that gives you identify theft protection, device security, a vpn for online privacy, and more. and if you have an identity theft problem, we'll work to fix it with our million dollar protection package. - there are new cyber threats out there everyday, so protecting yourself isn't a one time job, it's an ongoing need. now is the time to make sure that you have the right plan in place. don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership.
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call now to start your membership or visit the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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breaking overnight a north carolina college student arrested after guns were discovered in his room. he's charged with threatening a school shooting. court documents reveal the 19-year-old confessed to having
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a time line to kill people. the district attorney says he had been watching videos of mass shootings and chose a college in north carolina because it would be easier to buy guns. prosecutors say his plot hinged on whether or not he was accepted into a fra teternity. around 30 mass shootings have been disrupted since el paso and dayton. meemotions running high in sloous where residents spoke out about the epidemic of gun violence. 12 children have been killed there since april. >> we are losing too many people and especially children. so these families can get closure and people can come forward and talk. >> missouri congressman says it's a public emergency and their community and the nation have reached a tipping point. he usualed those in attendance
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to support his gun legs that would allow cities to pass laws without the state legislature. a colorado couple squared off with a mama bear and her two cubs. and they won. a security camera shows the mother bear opening a screen door and then entering john johnson's home with her cubs. he came face to face with the big bear in his kitchen. you can see that she clawed him on his stomach, face and arms as he fought for his life. his girlfriend was able to get a bat and hit the mama bear hard at least three times before she fled the home with her cubs. the university of texas at austin has a new professor. >> all right, all right, all right. how you doing? >> matthew mcconaughey who graj graj waited in 1993 will be a
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professor of practice. he has been a visiting professor since 2015. he's been co-teaching the script to screen class, but now his name stands alone on the syllabus. he does have an academy award and more than 50 films under his belt. recession fears and uncertain uncertainties about trade hitting asian markets. they saw a slight decline. european markets have opened up a bit. u.s. futures pointing to a positive open. stocks finished higher wednesday even as bond yields continue to slide. the dow ended up 257 points. the s&p and nasdaq reversed tuesday's losses. u.s. and china trade war is worrying investors and businesses are sending president trump a warning. 200 footwear companies in a letter to trump asking him to cancel new tariffs on china. the letter said there's no doubt that tariffs act as hidden taxes
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paid by american individuals and families. the tariffs set to go into effect sunday. apple is apologizing for a practice that allowed contractors to listen to siri recordings. it was designed to improve siri''s quality. now apple will require users to opt in rather than as a default. and only apple employees will be allowed to listen to the samples. apple also said it will no longer keep audio recordings of users' interactions with zsiri. thank you to our international viewers for join ugs. have a great rest of your day. "early start" continues right now for our u.s. viewers. there's a new track for hurricane dorian. why the entire state of florida should be on alert for a major
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hurricane. another move to keep immigrants out. this time the white house is targeting children of service members overseas. anger boiling over as the queen gets dragged into the brexit mess. what it means with the clock ticking towards a no deal brexit. all right, all right, all right. how you doing? >> and the actor is now the professor. oscar winner matthew mcconaughey is going back to school. we'll tell you where. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm in for christine romans. >> thursday, august 29th, 5 a.m. in the east, 5 a.m. down in south florida where we begin with the breaking news. hurricane dorian intensifying rapidly as it heads straight for


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